Challenge Hikes

Lug Endurance Challenge

The Lug Endurance Challenge is a three-day camping expedition in the Dublin and Wicklow mountains covering a distance of 85 km with 3500 metres of ascent. This linear traverse, through mainly open mountain, takes in more than 20 summits.

Lug Endurance Challenge

Maamturks Challenge

The Maamturks Challenge is in my opinion one of the best and strongest tests of endurance in the Irish calendar.
It’s a tough 25 km hike with an ascent of 2300 metres. Those figures can be quite deceptive, as the 2300 metres of ascent is not one gradual climb but rather it’s a series of steep climbs and descents.

Maamturks Challenge

The Blackstairs Challenge

The Blackstairs Challenge consists of a distance of 31 km with 1700 metres of ascent along the Carlow-Wexford border.

The Blackstairs Challenge

The Lug Walk

The Lug Walk is a long distance linear traverse of the Dublin and Wicklow mountains, taking in more than 18 summits, while covering 51 km with 2400 meters of ascent.

The Lug Walk